
Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey
I decided I would only take one book with me to Portugal. I chose Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey because I had recently started reading it which meant it was unlikely I’d finish it on my trip and it seemed somewhat of the perfect fit to take abroad. It had nothing...
On Motherhood and Fighting Raccoons
My mother, who surely saw her daughter running through the yard screaming and chasing a raccoon did not interfere. Or maybe she didn’t hear or see me sobbing while I battled the little beast …
The Person A Child Would Feel Safe With
While scrolling through TikTok the other day I ran across a series of short videos stitched together of people responding to the phrase, “The person you are right now is the person you would have felt safe with as a child.” I watched as several individuals reacted...
My 10 Most Influential Books: 2022
A friend recently texted me and asked me for a list of my top 10 books that I felt represented my philosophy for life along with a sentence or two to explain what chapters or ideas spoke to me the most. This was challenging for me as well as timely. While I have...
Yes, Virginia, There Was A Santa Claus
“Mom, is Santa Claus real?” My son was standing in the kitchen in his Spiderman slippers and robe holding a Snorlax plushie. We had just gotten done decorating our Christmas tree while watching the Polar Express, a quintessential movie for little boys and girls who...
Don’t Forget Your Power To Transcend
I recently finished reading Seneca's essay, On Anger (something I'm eager to write about as well). One of the sections of the three-part series asked the question as to whether anger was in keeping with the nature of man. Seneca quickly and thoroughly explained that...
Conflict Resolution with Attachment Theory
The other day my daughter came to me in tears. Her little brother had hit her in the head with a rock because she didn’t wait for him to finish getting his shoes on when it was time to leave for the school bus. She left him behind, which made him feel sad, and because...
Thief of Joy
In 1871 a man by the name of Horatio Spafford lost his real estate fortune in the Chicago fires and his four year-old son died of Scarlet Fever. Wanting the comfort of his family, Horatio sent to England for his wife and four daughters to join him in America. While...
The Survivors Club
The motto on the front of the bright red book is, "The Secrets and Science that Could Save Your Life." Being a woman who prides herself in her status as a survivor and her determination to defend and prolong her life, I simply had to pick it up. Written by journalist...